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My Husband’s Mistress Sent Me a Box on My Birthday – I Was Stunned by What I Found Inside

On my 32nd birthday, a mysterious box arrived at my doorstep, supposedly sent by my husband’s mistress. What I discovered inside left me in shock, threatening to unravel everything I knew.

Birthdays often start great and then take unexpected turns, but this one was something else entirely. I’m Lara, and this particular birthday would give me a story I’d never forget. It all began with an unmarked box that appeared at my door—a box that would shake my world.

“Happy birthday, beautiful,” Dexter, my husband, whispered as I blinked awake. His mischievous smile and sparkling grey eyes hinted at a surprise. “I have something breathtaking planned for you later.”

I grinned, nestling into his arms. “Any clues?”

He shook his head, smirking. “You’ll just have to wait.”

Our story began ten years ago. Dexter was my best friend turned soulmate, and seven years into marriage, we had built a beautiful life with our five-year-old son, Dave.

“Mommy! Daddy! It’s party day!” Dave shouted as he bounced into our room, full of excitement. Dexter chuckled, tousling his hair, and together we planned the day’s celebrations.

By evening, our backyard was buzzing with friends and family. The smell of grilled burgers filled the air, and laughter echoed as kids, led by Dave, chased each other with water guns. It was one of those perfect moments that made life feel complete.

Then my phone buzzed. A call from an unknown number.

“Mrs. Fog, I have a parcel for you. The sender wants you to collect it alone,” said a gruff voice.

Confused, I left the party to meet the delivery man at the door. He handed me a large box, refused to reveal the sender, and disappeared before I could ask more. Assuming it was Dexter’s surprise, I eagerly brought the box inside.

But when I opened it, my heart stopped. Scrawled in red marker were the words: “FROM YOUR HUSBAND’S LOVER!”

Inside was my stolen jewelry—pieces that had gone missing months ago—and a chilling note claiming to be from my husband’s mistress. The note invited me to an address, urging me to come alone.

My mind raced as I glanced at Dexter, who was laughing with friends, seemingly oblivious to the chaos this message was causing me. How could he betray me? How long had this been happening?

Shaken, I slipped away from the party, got into my car, and drove to the address on the note. Tears blurred my vision as I replayed our marriage in my mind. Had I missed the signs?

When I arrived, I found an abandoned house, and every instinct screamed at me to turn back. But I needed answers. I knocked, hesitated, and stepped inside. The house was dark and eerie, my footsteps echoing in the empty space.

Suddenly, lights flashed on, and voices yelled, “WE PLAYED YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!”

I turned, completely stunned, to see Dexter, my friends, and family all grinning. “Surprise!” Dexter said, pulling me into a hug.

Confused, I stammered, “But the jewelry… the mistress?”

Dexter chuckled. “It was all part of the prank! I replaced your stolen set with a replica. There’s no other woman. I wanted to make this birthday unforgettable.”

Relief washed over me as I playfully punched him. “You’re terrible! Do you know what you put me through?”

He laughed, kissing my forehead. “I just wanted to make this birthday one you’d never forget.”

And unforgettable it was. As we walked back to continue the party, I smiled, thinking of how the night had flipped from a nightmare to an unexpected, unforgettable celebration. But Dexter better watch out—his birthday was coming, and I had some payback planning to do.

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