UNBELIEVABLE, This 8 year old kid is being hailed as the next Elvis, and you wont believe your ears, He didnt just turn chairs, he got the JURY DANCING ON STAGE

Lissandro Formica stunned the audience on “The Voice” with his electrifying rendition of Elvis Presley’s “Too Much.” From the moment he hit the opening notes, his commanding voice captivated everyone, compelling all the judges to turn their chairs, their faces glowing with excitement.
Lissandro’s infectious energy transformed the stage into a live wire of enthusiasm, sparking an impromptu dance party among the judges—a vivid testament to the unifying power of his performance. The atmosphere in the stands was electric, as Lissandro’s family and the audience were swept up in the exhilarating vibe, rising to their feet in a spontaneous standing ovation.
Throughout this whirlwind, Lissandro remained the epitome of poise and professionalism, his focus never faltering, his confidence rock-solid. The performance concluded to booming applause and high praise from the judges, who lauded his commanding stage presence and exceptional vocal skill. Lissandro not only captured the judges’ hearts but also raised the bar for the entire competition.