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My Stepmom Secretly Canceled My Prom Hair Appointment to Ruin My Day, But Her Jaw Dropped When a Limousine Showed Up for Me

When Emily was preparing for prom, she wanted everything to be perfect—her dress, her hair, her makeup. But just when everything seemed to be falling into place, her difficult stepmother, Carla, stepped in and ruined it all. What could have been a disaster took a surprising twist when a limousine pulled up outside her house… but who was behind it?

Alright, let me tell you how it all went down, because you won’t believe it.

I’m Emily, 17 years old, and like every senior girl in high school, I had been dreaming of prom for months. It was supposed to be the highlight of my year. I live with my dad, my stepmom Carla, and her son, Mason, who’s 11. He’s a good kid, and we get along, so no drama there.

But Carla? Oh, she makes things difficult.

It all started when my mom passed away when I was just 10. After that, my dad met Carla, and a year later, they were married. She was fine at first, but over time, it became clear that she couldn’t stand me. It was subtle at first—little comments, passive-aggressive jabs—but I knew. I mean, she even told me once that I reminded her too much of my mother. Imagine that!

Anyway, fast forward to prom season. I had been planning this for months. I saved all my babysitting money for the perfect violet dress, which was my mom’s favorite color. I booked a hair appointment at the fanciest salon in town where all my friends were going, and I was ready to make this night one to remember.

Or so I thought.

The day of prom, I headed to the salon, bubbling with excitement. I walked up to the receptionist, but she looked at me strangely.

“Emily? Are you sure you’re here for an appointment? Our records show that you canceled earlier today,” she said, staring at her computer.

“What? Canceled? I didn’t cancel!” I panicked.

Just then, the hairdresser came over and said, “I got a call from your mom this morning, canceling the appointment. She said something came up.”

My heart dropped. My mom? No way. And then I saw her. Carla. Sitting in the salon, getting her hair done, smirking at me like she had just won the game. She canceled my appointment.

I was speechless. She had taken my spot, and the salon was fully booked. I ran out of there, tears stinging my eyes, feeling like my perfect prom was crumbling before me.

When I got home, I locked myself in my room. I tried doing my hair on my own, but it just didn’t look right. I was devastated. All that planning, all that excitement—it felt like it had been ruined by Carla’s cruel little prank.

I stared at my beautiful dress hanging in my closet, wondering if I even wanted to go anymore. My excitement had been crushed.

Then, out of nowhere, I heard honking outside. Annoyed, I glanced out my window, ready to tell whoever it was to stop. But what I saw made me freeze. A sleek black limousine was parked in front of our house.

I thought it was a mistake. Maybe one of my neighbors had ordered it. But then the driver stepped out and started walking toward my door. My dad, looking just as confused as I was, opened the door.

“I’m here for Miss Emily,” the driver said, holding out a small card.

Miss Emily? Me?

I hesitantly took the card from my dad and opened it. Inside, in neat handwriting, was a message:

“To my beautiful sister, Emily. I know things have been rough, but you deserve the best prom ever. Enjoy the limo, and don’t worry about anything. I’ve been saving up for this! Have a magical night. Love, Mason.”

Mason? My 11-year-old brother did this?

I burst into tears, but this time, they were happy tears. My little brother had overheard Carla’s sabotage and decided to take matters into his own hands. He used his saved-up birthday and Christmas money to rent the limo for me.

And it didn’t stop there.

“By the way,” Mason grinned, “Mrs. Evans from across the street? Her daughter’s a stylist, and she’s coming over to do your hair and makeup.”

Just then, the doorbell rang, and in walked the stylist. Within minutes, I went from feeling like the most miserable girl in the world to looking like a prom queen.

Mason had saved the day. I couldn’t believe it. My little brother had done all of this because he knew how much prom meant to me.

As I walked outside, feeling like a princess, Carla pulled into the driveway. Her jaw dropped when she saw me stepping into the limo. The look on her face? Priceless. I would’ve framed it if I could!

Prom night turned out to be everything I hoped for. When I arrived in the limo, everyone was staring, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like everything was right. I had an incredible night with my friends, and I knew that even though my mom wasn’t there, she’d be proud of me.

As for Carla, well, I hope she learned something. You can try to mess with someone’s happiness, but love and kindness always win in the end.

So, what would you have done in my shoes?

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